And now…

Posted February 26th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos

…back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I had meant to get on and update the blog earlier this week, but Sunday turned into Monday, Monday turned into Tuesday, and on Tuesday, the bottom dropped out.

We had a little pregnancy scare this week, but have just come out from under it to learn that baby #2 is perfect and it’s all going to be ok. Matt was TDY all the way across the country, and I had to call him back to come visit the doctor with me. We waited all day on Wednesday for a referral and appointment for an ultrasound, but didn’t get to go in until this morning. At about 10:30 this morning, our world was put right-side up again when we heard Dos’s heartbeat and now know that the baby is growing perfectly. HUGE relief.

We have many things to be grateful for today. First, a family all here together, healthy, & happy. Second, a wonderful progress report on our family’s newest member. And third, but certainly not last or least, our dear friends who were here to save us when we so needed them.

Since no blog post is complete without a picture and since the grandmothers in this family will sleep better seeing it, here’s a photo of Doozy from today.  Perfect and very well-loved.
