Noah @ Four Months
Noah had a birthday a couple of days after Christmas. Since things change so quickly for babies, I figured it was time for another little update.
So, at four months, Noah:
:: Is so very happy. This little guy only fusses when he’s really hungry or desperately needs some sleep. Otherwise, he’s just content to be out in the world watching things go by.
:: Babbles, coos, and talks. He’s got a ready smile and loves to talk to you, especially at his first diaper change of the day. A long night of alone time means he has lots to share when he wakes up!
:: Has relearned to sleep on his back. Although he’d been a tummy sleeper for the first few months, it was causing problems with his sleep at school, so we’ve helped him learn to sleep on his back and he does great now.
:: Has to have his Binky and his lovey shoved up against his face to get to sleep. This has caused some trouble since he wakes up crying at night if the Binky falls out.
:: Has learned to blow raspberries! He loves it when he can get a “conversation” going with you in raspberry language.
:: Is this close to rolling over. But, he’s so comfortable on his tummy, he has little incentive to get it done. It’s coming soon though, I just know it.
:: Loves Libby. He’ll watch her walk around for several minutes and loves to grab her ears. Thank goodness Libby is such a complacent puppy when it comes to the kiddos.
:: Has had his first solid food! We started on oatmeal cereal a couple of days ago and, he’s slowly getting used to it. Here’s hoping a few extra calories will help with the sleeping!
:: Weighed in at 14 lbs, 7 oz and measured 25.25 in. at his checkup. That’s up two pounds and two inches from his last visit!
:: Fits in just great around here. Noah loves his big sister and the feeling is definitely mutual. These two are going to be two peas in a pod before too long.
It’s hard to believe that the first third of Doozers’s first year has gone by already. Love our happy little dude!!
Christmas 2010: The Day
I have a ton of pictures to share of Christmas Day around here. So, rather than typing thousands of words to describe them, I’ll mostly let them speak for themselves. Suffice it to say, though, that we had a lovely day. Ava was thrilled to find that Santa had brought her the purple present that she asked him for, and Noah discovered that he could blow raspberries on his very first Christmas. Thanks to the magic of Skype, we even got to open presents with both sets of grandparents. Highlights for me were watching Ava try out her new dance stuff (girl’s got some moves!) and watching Ava & Matt play with the new RC boats in the pool.
Here’s the photo recap of a really great day:
Noah woke up super early, so we got some good cuddle time in before Ava woke up.
Whoozers slept in on Christmas Day. 7am! Clearly she doesn’t quite get it all yet.
Thrilled to find her purple present,with a bow, that turned into candy!
Opening her stocking. She eventually opened all of them for us. Such a good helper.
Twizzlers for breakfast. Whoozers is truly her mother’s daughter.
All mornings should start with mimosas, I think. LaCroix is a great champagne substitute for Ava’s drink.
Happy baby boy on his first Christmas!
Noah’s first bear from Mommy & Daddy. His is named Jack. Ava’s first bear was called Jill.
Trying on her new ballet shoes
Dr. Who T-shirts for everyone this Christmas!
Both kids received a bunch of books this Christmas. Every time we opened one, it had to be read immediately!
Opening presents is tiring!
New tap shoes!
Pretty ballerina
We spent the bulk of the afternoon enjoying our new toys and just hanging out. Matt and I never got out of our pajamas! We played several rounds of Ava’s new Memory game and spent some time putting together a new Playmobil set. (Special shout out to Cousin Laura, who sent this great Christmas set all the way from Germany!)
When we were all played out, we settled in with some popcorn to enjoy one of Ava’s favorite gifts…Beauty & the Beast! Thanks to several viewings of the movie in the last couple of days, her “Belle” skirt from Grammie is now getting lots of use.
Settling in to watch Beauty and the Beast. The perfect end to a wonderful day!
Merry Christmas!
Meeting Santa
We finally got around to meeting Santa this year. Ava chatted his ear off and Noah sort of just looked at him like he wasn’t sure what was going on.
This Santa was really awesome, so the kiddos got to spend as much time as they wanted talking to him.
Ava asked Santa for a purple present (full of candy) with a bow, this year. Noah was a bit less specific in his first meeting with the big guy.
By the way, how’s this for a flashback? Here’s Ava meeting Santa for the first time wearing the same onesie.
But, now, the orders are in, the elves are hard at work, the cookies are ready…
…and it’s time for Christmas finally to arrive!
Winter Festival
The kids’ school hosted a Winter Festival earlier this month. It was a pajama party and had lots of good food, TONS of kids running around like crazy people and a really cute little program. The kiddos wore matching jammies and Matt & I wore jammies (in spite of his initial reservations), too. The toddlers and transitions classes film their presentations but the Preschool and Kindergarten classes perform LIVE!! This was super fun and Ava had a great time singing her class’s song.
I’m a little snowman round and fat,
With an orange nose and a big black hat,
I like to be outside on a snowy day,
Until the sun melts me away.
Two Months
It’s seems impossible that Noah is already two months old. But, on the other hand, it feels like he’s been here forever. So much has changed in the last nine weeks. He’s bigger, he’s more alert, he smiles and plays. But, he’s still very much a newborn baby – one who needs lots of sleep and lots of eating to be happy and content.
Noah started daycare three weeks ago and has been doing great. He’s finally figured out how to eat from a bottle and he’s slowly getting better at sleeping there. Turns out there’s a big difference in noise levels between our house with no one in it (like he had for my 6 weeks of maternity leave) and an infant daycare room with 5 other babies. Every day, though, he sleeps a little more while he’s there…and is awake for a little more playtime when we get home.
Noah’s getting to be a champ at holding his head up. Now, when you hold him in a sitting position, he can hold his head and follow your face around as you talk to him. It’s sort of like hide and seek without all the running around.
Maybe it’s lost in the fog of her newborn-ness, but I don’t remember Ava being such a smiley baby as Doozy is. This little guy will smile at you for just about anything and they are whole-face smiles. His eyes crinkle up and he opens his mouth into a big grin. He’s got a dimple in both cheeks and, man, his smiles melt my heart. He’ll even giggle a little when he wants to play instead of eat. Totally cute at four in the afternoon…less so at five-thirty in the morning.
Speaking of five-thirty in the morning, I almost always see the little dude about then. He’s been doing a great job sleeping. There’s usually even a seven hour stretch in there somewhere! He does wake up at some point between two and three a.m., though, so Mommy still doesn’t sleep all the way through. I’m hopeful, though, that that glorious day is soon to arrive.
We had Noah’s two month well-baby appointment yesterday. He weighed in at 12 lbs, 4 oz, and was 23.5 in. long. He gained about two pounds and two inches from our last visit. Not bad for a month’s work! He also got two shots yesterday…one in each leg. He gave a good little cry after both, but settled down pretty quickly. Dr. Faro says he’s totally normal and developing just as he should. Our next big milestone to watch for is the rolling over. I keep forgetting how quickly the time between these stages goes!
We’re totally loving having this chill, happy kid as part of our family. Keep those smiles coming, baby boy!