16 months

Posted January 1st, 2012 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos

We’re way overdue on a monthly update for Doozers, so I figured I’d better get it posted before we get back into the hustle of back-to-work. Noah turned 16 months a few days ago, so here’s a little bit about what he’s up to these days.

At 16 months, Noah…

:: weighs 21 lbs, 8oz, and is 32 inches long. Not much weight gain from his one year check up, but he’s put all his effort into getting taller.

:: is a full up walker, almost a runner. Doozers started really walking at 12 months and three weeks and gets around like a champ now. He’d very much like to run, which we can see when he moves a little faster and his left arm swings faster than his right. Adorable….really looks like he’s winding himself up. :)

:: has a few words. Milk, milk cup, dog, duck, baby, shi-shi (train), shs (shoes), Daddy, Dada (Ava), Mamé (Binky), yes, no, & “oh, whoa!” He has nothing to use as my name, so I just assume any screaming is directed at me. ;)

:: knows signs for please, thank you, all done, more, bye-bye, and high five. He will also blow kisses.

:: will sit still for pictures because they’ve taught him to at school, but he only does group shots and must be sitting. No standing photos with his sister and candid shots only happen if your shutter speed is fast enough.

:: loves to play with Ava, but often doesn’t understand her “rules”. He just generally plays a little rougher…banging teacups and Godzilla-ing her block towers. He’s delighted and she’s writhing on the floor in hysterics. Good times.

:: really enjoys reading books. But, he doesn’t like the ones with too many words on each pages and you kinda have to sneak new ones into the rotation since he likes repetition of the familiar. Favorites are Global Babies, Goodnight Moon, The Big Red Barn, Hello Day!, Eyes, Noes, Toes, Peek-a-boo!, Planes, and Pat the Bunny.

:: sleeps for two hours every day at nap time (12pm-ish to 2 or 2:30pm-ish) and goes to bed between 6:30 and 7pm. He’s up between 6 and 7am each morning. He still uses his Binky to sleep, but won’t put it back in himself. We still get up a couple times a night to plug him.


:: speaking of the Mamé, we’ve scaled back its use to just bed and car (no Mamé at school except nap time) and this week were cutting it cold turkey. If he doesn’t need it to sleep, he won’t wake up looking for it, right?

:: loves Pokoyo. It’s the cartoon short on right after Peep and he drops everything he’s doing and comes running to the tv room for Pokoyo. Adorable.

:: is fascinated with things that go. Trains, cars, trucks, plasma cars, airplanes, it all rocks his socks. Christmas was very transportation themed for him this year.


:: has mostly overcome his vampire-like tendencies. While he still makes some biting attempts at school, it’s not as frequent and he hasn’t actually made contact in a couple of months. His teachers get most of the credit for this since they’ve really been helping him work on using his words and learn to share.

:: really loves school and seems to have quite the happy world there. He learns so much…he was “singing” Skidamarink the other day and doing the hand movements for it. He also follows directions really well and is very good at putting toys away. Will definitely miss this amazing influence for him when we move.

:: loves to play piano, but insists on doing it himself.


:: can open all the doors here…including the front- and garage-doors. Deadbolts are a must.

:: can climb the stairs, up and down.

:: is sort of a dare-devil and climbs a lot. He also falls a lot…not necessarily off of stuff, but usually over his own two feet and into sharp corners. His poor face is always black and blue from all the bumps.

:: is still one of the happiest kids we know. He’s pretty chill, unless he wants some specific, and is a wonderful addition to our family.

We love you bunches, Noah. Can’t imagine this little life of ours without you.


One Response to “16 months”

  1. Grammie and Grandad says:

    This post helps us know this wonderful little guy a bit. What a great little boy!

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