La Petite Artiste

Posted October 6th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Firsts, Kiddos, Whoozy

Ava’s had a pretty major break through on the creative front in the last few days.  Her imagination has always been really, really active and we’ve known for a long time that there are some major creatures banging around in there.  We just haven’t ever been able to see them the way she does because she couldn’t produce them.  We got close, maybe, but it’s not the same as when she makes things herself.

Her art grew slowly over the weekend. It started with a whale.  Matt & I were ecstatic because, you guys, it actually looks like a whale!


So.  Then Whoozy moved on to people.  Ava’s started drawing her family…as monsters.


That’s Mommy on the left, Ava on the right, and Daddy is the little blob at the top.  Noah has not yet made the ranks of either family or monster…not sure which yet.

She’s also working on drawing some of her favorite characters.  Here’s Quack from Mommy & Daddy’s favorite cartoon.


She’s working on Chirp and Peep, too, but seems a bit intimidated by the need for a beak and wings.  I’m certain, though, that those pictures will be coming soon.  We take our art seriously around here, folks.  :-)


One Response to “La Petite Artiste”

  1. Grammie and Grandpa says:

    The whale really DOES look like a whale. AND, if I remember correctly “Quack” looks just about right. She might be able to “substitute draw” for the cartoon!!

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