
Posted August 26th, 2010 by admin and filed in Family, Kiddos, Whoozy

Dear Ava,

Tonight, Daddy and I will drop you off at the Hoffmans’ and head to the hospital for Doozy’s induction.  That knowledge has made nearly every thing the last day and a half seem like “the last time.”  This season – the family of three season – has been so short in what I know will be such a long and happy life for us as a family of four.  The change we’re about to undergo together is one that tugs at my heartstrings and leaves everything feeling just a little bittersweet.

Two years, nine months, and four days ago, you made your daddy and I parents.  We had no idea how strange and wonderful this whole experience would be.  You’ve taught us so many things and given us so much more that we could have ever dreamed.  You opened our hearts and minds wide open to the childhood wonders of the world and all the possibilities that lay out there for you and for us.  I can’t even begin to express adequately the pride I feel when I watch you grow into the person you are becoming.  Your strong sense of self, your sense of humor, your empathy, your kindness, your flexibility & even your stubbornness all combine to make you a truly unique and wonderful person.  I’m so excited to see who you will become over the next several years and how you will learn to be a big sister.

Ava, one of the reasons I’m so excited to bring Doozy into our family is because this baby is getting you for a sibling.  It may sound like a lot of responsibility, now, to know that you will always be one of the people Doozy looks up to most in life, but I know that you will embrace that role with the fervor and enthusiasm with which you approach everything you do.  I’m so excited about this opportunity for both of you and am so grateful to know that I can trust you both with each other.

Mostly, though, I wanted to write to you today to tell you that I love you…more than I could ever say.  I am terribly proud of you…my heart nearly bursts with pride when I think of all you already are.  Neither of those things will ever change.  No matter how many times over the next few months you hear “In just a minute” or “You’re the big kid,” know that what I always want most is for you to be happy and for you to know that Daddy and I love you.  I will treasure these almost-three years with just you and our little family of three forever and ever.  Thank you for making them so sweet and so much fun.




Dance with Elmo

Posted August 24th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Party Time, Whoozy

If you’re ever wondering where Ava gets all her best moves, look no further than this furry red monster.


Amelia Fairy-hart

Posted August 22nd, 2010 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Whoozy

Just what we like to do around here in the afternoons…



Green Eggs & Ham

Posted August 20th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Firsts, Kiddos, Whoozy

At some point, Ava requested the book Green Eggs & Ham as her nightly read.  To be honest, I think maybe a babysitter read it the first time, but it’s been part of our nightly ritual for the last few weeks.  It started out that Matt or I would just read the book to her.  Then, she started wanting a turn when we were done.  Now, Whoozy “reads”  to us first, and then it’s Mommy or Daddy’s turn to read.

Ava’s recitation of the book is pretty good and has actually gotten better since this video was shot.  Generally, she has the right topic on the right page, even though she doesn’t read it verbatim.  I think, though, that my favorite part of her “reading” is the inflection she uses to tell the story.  Let’s just say she’d make a pretty good parrot, if she were looking to change species.

Dressy Bessy

Posted August 19th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Whoozy

Getting dressed is one of the toughest skills for a toddler/preschooler to learn.  The fine motor skills involved in the process are difficult to master, but Ava’s been working hard on a few of them.

About a year ago, I bought a toy called Dressy Bessy.  Turns out that I bought it way too early for Ava to really begin working with it, but Bessy has been waiting patiently in the toy box for our girl to be ready.  In the great get-ready-for-baby toy sort a couple of weeks ago, Bessy resurfaced and immediately caught Whoozy’s attention.


Just as with puzzles, Ava works at dressing and undressing Bessy’s buttons, zippers and velcro with some pretty amazing patience.  Early efforts were punctuated by cries of “Help me!  I can’t do it!” and some frustrated tears, but after helping her the first few times, we left her to figure it out on her own.  Now, after several very quiet minutes in the playroom, we’ll hear cries of “I did it!  She’s all dressed!”


Thanks, Dressy Bessy, for helping our girl feel such pride in her accomplishments!