Catching Up

Posted February 22nd, 2009 by Sally and filed in Uncategorized

So, it’s been just a little while since I’ve updated here.  First off, thanks for all the kind comments on my last post.  She’s a sweetie.  But, just in case anyone doubts the reality, that afternoon she was a total terror.  Luckily, even the terrifying days can be kind of funny.  See?

Things have been pretty busy here.  Matt’s working his butt off at work, although he’s been home more nights a week lately than previously.  He gets home for sure on Tuesdays and Thursdays to pick up Ava while I’m in class and then they get to play and do bathtime together.  He always gets her all done up after a bath…and he remembers to take pictures.  Isn’t she cute?
Of course, Daddy dressing can also turn out like this…you’re seeing that right, her pants are tucked into her socks.
We had a really nice Valentine’s Day around here.  Instead of the camping trip we expected to take with the Hoffmans, we decided to swap date nights.  Given the weather that weekend, it was probably the wiser choice.  We’re looking forward to the camping, though, sometime in this beautiful spring weather I just know is on the way.  So, we got to go to dinner and see He’s Just Not That Into You.  Super cute.  Of course, we didn’t get pictures of ourselves that night, but here’s a cutie of our littlest valentine on the big day.

And here’s that sweetest of hearts in a less ladylike pose…
See Libby there, waiting intently?  She does a lot of that.  Especially now that Ava has these new snack bowls.  They’ve got it all worked out, see.  Ava gets the fun of pulling the animal crackers out of the bowl and Libby gets the fun of eating them.  At least she’s patient about it.
In addition to all our professional goals, Matt and I have decided to set a few fitness goals also.  We’re working on the P90X plan (maybe you’ve seen the infomercials) and are just completing our first week of twelve.  The good news is, we’re setting a great example for Ava.  See…she already knows how to stand at the end of her mat and “show up and press play.”
And, finally, to sum up this marathon of a blog post, we went to the park yesterday in Boulder City.  Cutest little town.  Maybe I’ll try to get us to move there before we leave here.  We’ll be due for a move in about 12 weeks anyway.  :-)  Regardless, Ava had a great time climbing up stairs and sliding down the slide.

Whew.  That was a long one.  Anyway, if you made it this far…good job!!  I’d offer you a cookie, but we don’t have any anymore.  Instead, here’s another little video, although I’m pretty sure it’ll only interest the grandparents.  :-)  Have a happy week, friends!

5 Responses to “Catching Up”

  1. Debbie and Kirt says:

    She is adorable. I am terrible at keeping in touch. Where are you all headed now??

  2. Carrie says:

    Gosh she is cute! I think Matt is going to have to practice his batting skills now before she gets much older and has boys around the house.
    Miss you guys!

  3. Gary and Rhonda says:

    By the way, moving in 12 weeks?? Yikes! That might be one annual tradition you might want to ditch!!

  4. Gary and Rhonda says:

    Loved the pictures and the ongoing story! What a great “post.” I agree with Maureen, we have the cutest granddaughter ever!!!

  5. Maureen says:

    i totally have the cutest niece ever!!!!!

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