
Posted March 19th, 2009 by Sally and filed in Uncategorized

Ava loves to put things on her head.  

She comes by that trait quite honestly, as you can see.  In fact, there’s a bit of genetics on both sides that lead to this particular delight of hers.  

Anyway, you might remember that right after moving to this house, Matt dug out a couple of metal mixing bowls and played “moon hats” with Ava.  
Well, those moon hats are still in the toy box and still come out to play a lot.  But, as a sign of how much she’s grown, Ava’s moon hat doesn’t fit anymore.  Sigh.  Doesn’t mean she won’t wear it, but balance is more of a factor in keeping it on her head now.
Guess she’ll be ready when NASA wants to go to Mars.  At least she’ll know which hat to pack.

2 Responses to “Headgear”

  1. Tricia says:

    She is just to stinking cute!!!! I wish we could get her and Benjamin together!

  2. Gary and Rhonda says:

    How wonderful! Great pictures — and the story to go with them!!

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