Our Little Picasso

Posted March 26th, 2009 by Sally and filed in Uncategorized

We bought Ava a Magna-Doodle for Christmas and she’s just now really able to use it.  She’s starting to hold the pen right and really scribbling up a storm.  Next, we’re on to crayons!

This video is a little long, but hang in there to see the latest of Ava’s tricks.  
She can point to most of her body parts!

2 Responses to “Our Little Picasso”

  1. Sarah says:

    I didn’t know we’d graduated to Body Part 201! Shoulders and knees, I’m impressed! :) Smart cookie…

  2. Gary and Rhonda says:

    She looks like she is having fun.

    It appears that she subscribes to the theory that “close counts” in identifying body parts!!! I love the way she shows her mouth and tongue!

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