
Posted July 19th, 2011 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Whoozy

She’s smart, she’s sassy, she’s hilarious, she’s chatty, and oh by the way, she’s three and a half. (Because you know it’s that extra half that makes all the difference.)

I don’t do monthly updates on Whoozers anymore since changes with her seem to creep up rather than jump up.  But, so much about her has grown (Can’t say changed since that’s not really it. She’s still her just more so.)  since her third birthday, that I thought it was time to share.

To say that Ava has grown up would be an understatement.  Matt and I are constantly asking her, “When did you get so big?”  It seems like everything about her is big – her personality, her vocabulary, her sense of humor, her range of emotions.  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that our dearest girl is only three and a half.  Her ability to understand and communicate can leave you feeling like you’re talking to an adult.  But then, she’ll have a three and a half moment and you remember that she’s not quite done growing up yet.

Whoozers is fiercely independent when it comes to making her own decisions and doing things for herself.  But, the other side of that coin is that she loves to be around people and loves a new adventure.  For example, she’s not a huge fan of playing by herself, but is totally the boss when she finds a new playmate.  Favorite games these days include “Mommy & Honey” (“I’ll be the mommy and you be the honey”), anything pretend princess, pilot (a la Elastigirl from The Incredibles)  and nosing around in Noah’s business.

Envisioning herself as “Ariel” on my parents’ patio.

Flying her airplane.

Big sister.

School is still going really well for Ava. She loves her preschool teachers, Ms. Lindsey & Ms. Rosario, and knows so much!  Ava knows all of her letters and numerals, colors and shapes, and has been interested in some basic math.  She loves counting my fingers as math problems and delights in the idea that 4+1=5 and 3+2=5.  Last night at dinner she was telling me that dinosaurs and Peep are similar because they both hatched from eggs.  Also, dinosaurs (read: brontosauruses) and giraffes are similar because they both have long necks.  Also, Ava and music are continuing their long, lovely relationship.  She really picks up on lyrics these days and has been known to break out in song – to songs we aren’t even able to understand lyrics to!  We’re pretty much learning (again!) that she’s a total sponge…everything present will be absorbed…and someday will be expelled when squeezed. ;-)

I’m sure I probably say this every time I write about her, but it seems like Whoozers is growing up so fast.  She’s great….she’s fun…we love having her as part of our family.  We learn so much from her and are working to be the best parents we can for her and Noah.  The last three and a half years have gone by so quickly.  It’s comforting to know that Ava’s fundamentals haven’t changed much in spite of all her growing – she’s still happy, healthy, funny, strong, determined, special.

Love you, baby girl.

One Response to “3.5”

  1. Grammie and Grandad says:

    She is AVA!

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