Star Spangled…August?

Posted August 15th, 2011 by Sally and filed in Family, Holidays, Party Time

Ok.  So timeliness in reporting has not been my strong suit this summer.  However, that’s only because we’ve been so busy having a good time!  Before the sun starts to set early again, here’s a little bit about our third annual 4th of July party.

As all of our parties do, this one started the day before with a massive cooking session.  This year, I had an audience.

But, that audience had to work for the next day’s supper.

And, just like in years previous, dessert was a crafty adventure.

After all that work, we got to enjoy just a little taste of the fun to come the next day (in the rain!!)

So, on the 4th, we got into our Star Spangled best and got ready to party!

Matt started cooking early in the day and spent a lot of time going back and forth to the grill.  All the effort was worth it, though, because that brisket was awesome.

By the time afternoon naps were over, Noah was ready to get the party started and wanted to go hang outside with Daddy.

We were so fortunate to have a fun group of friends join us for food, swimming and sparklers.  Are these some cute kiddos, or what?

As always, the fireworks were the highlight of the night.  Ava particularly loved the sparklers and the thrill of running away from lit fireworks when Mr. Dave let her help him.

By the end of the night, America had been thoroughly celebrated.  Although our fireworks were small, we enjoyed the neighbors’ larger light shows and Matt & I stayed up late to watch the shows in Washington, DC, and in NYC.  And since it needs to be said in August as often as it is said in July, God Bless America.

One Response to “Star Spangled…August?”

  1. moe says:

    Love this post…especially the picture of Noah giving the thumbs up! :)

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