
Posted March 15th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Whoozy

When Matt uploaded his post about his and Ava’s visit to the museum last week, we had a good chuckle about her dancing skills in the African hut.  Our girl has always had a really great sense of rhythm, if not the best moves on the block.  After seeing the newest video, though, Matt’s folks were kind enough to send us a throwback video to point out that Ava’s dancing really hasn’t evolved all that much over time.

At the time this video was shot, Matt was TDY to SOS at Maxwell AFB, we’d been in our new house in Vegas for less than two months, and Ava and I were just getting through each day.  While Matt was gone, Ava learned to push herself up to sitting, to crawl, and began dancing up a storm.  Reliving those days with this video really put a smile on my face today.  Ava was a fun baby and is becoming a fun, terrific kid.  I’m so looking forward to seeing her become a big sister and teach her dance moves to Dos!

So, here she is.  Ava dancing to the theme music from Grey’s Anatomy at six months old.

One Response to “Flashback”

  1. Gary and Rhonda says:

    You are right, she just added the bottom half of her body to the same moves she was making before. But, it is still cute!!!!!

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