It’s a Doozy!

Posted April 15th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos

It’s so much easier to believe you’re going to have a baby when you see its little face on the ultrasound picture.  Even with the every-expanding belly and all the other symptoms, I have a hard time in the early months with really believing it’s a baby and not just a very large tumor.

So, imagine my delight to be able to share this photo of Doozy, taken with the ultrasound today.  By the way, Dos wasn’t sticking as a nickname for this kid.  But, we call Ava “Whoozy” all the time and Doozy is the perfect blend of the two.  I think we’ve finally found a nickname for this kiddo.


Doozy was quite a wiggler during the ultrasound and was also talking – even stuck his or her tongue out at the camera!  I have a feeling that this kid is going to fit into our  family just fine.  :-)  20 more weeks until we get to meet our Doozy!

3 Responses to “It’s a Doozy!”

  1. Grammie and Grandpa says:

    Cannot tell from this picture whether it is a blue Doozy or a pink Doozy, but I cannot think of any reason why it matters. We are just glad Doozy is healthy and growing as Doozys should!

  2. Carrie says:

    That’s awesome! You’re killing me with not finding out the sex though. :)

  3. Tricia says:

    So excited for you guys!

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