Things to remember

Posted August 19th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Kiddos, Whoozy

Last night, when discussing baby names (because we seriously have no idea and are about 10 days away from having a baby)….

Matt: “Ava, what should we call Doozy?”

Ava: “Doozy.”

Matt: “Ok, but you know how we call you Ava?  What should Doozy’s real name be?”

Ava: “Baby Ava!”


Today, in the van on the way to school…

Ava was singing one of the circle time songs from school.  She was, though, definitely playing the role of teacher in circle time because she kept reprimanding her imaginary students for standing up or not listening.  It took 5 stoplights to get through one verse due to all the “interruptions.”


Monday, when Matt did pick-up from school…

Ava sitting in a chair by the water cooler “reading” to her circle time students.  Her students were all imaginary.  (I see a theme here…)

Oh, Whoozy, we do love you, and your weird little quirks, so, so much!

3 Responses to “Things to remember”

  1. Aubrey says:

    Do you want name suggestions?

  2. Brianne says:

    Cray Cray Jr.!

  3. Brianne says:

    Cray Cray Jr.!

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