Ten on Tuesday

Posted November 16th, 2010 by Sally and filed in Lists

Since Halloween, this house has been busy. It’s hard to believe that it’s the middle of November already but, I swear, I wrote the last post, blinked and now we’re here. In the interest of catching up on the last two weeks…here’s a little list of ten.

1. To get things started right, how about this charmer of a guy? He smiles on demand these days and we’re just dangerously close to laughter.


2. It’s hard to believe, but Noah will be three months old in a week and a half. He’s turning into a really fun baby too. He’s really interested in faces and expressions these days. When he wants to play, he’s going to coo and smile at you until you play too. The mobile above his changing table is airplanes and he loves that thing. If we bat it and make it dance, he gets ridiculously excited. Legs kick, fists flail and he almost laughs. Love that.



3. Noah will be three months old in a week and a half, but Ava will be three years old in one week. How is that even possible? I can’t believe that she’s gotten so big. The time has flown by.


4. Three seems so big to me. Maybe that’s why we thought that a big girl bike was just thing for such a day. Matt’s been hard at work refurbishing our Craigslist find (couldn’t see spending hundreds on a bike that will soon be outgrown) and it’s all done and ready to go. Can’t show the whole thing until the big reveal, but here’s a sneak peek.


5. Last week was Veterans Day and, while we spent the actual holiday having a jammies and TV kind of day, the day before was super busy. Matt did drop off and pick up of the kiddos so that I could orchestrate the first-ever Veterans Day celebration at UNLV. I am totally jazzed with how it turned out, the response, and the momentum the Rebel VETS program is gaining. One of my favorite things about the day was the team of people who helped me (at 0730…a big deal for non-military types!) line the quad with over 400 flags.



6. Saturday, we attended Aviation Nation 2010…the annual airshow at Nellis Air Force Base. The weather was so much better than last year and we only went for the fast fliers this year. We had a blast! Noah slept the whole time we were there…like a good Air Force baby the jet noise didn’t even faze him. During the Thunderbirds show, Ava kept saying that she wanted to get down from Matt’s shoulders so that she could go “hop in the jet.” I’m thinking Matt’s going to end up getting checked out in little airplanes sooner than we’d originally thought. :)




7. Today on the way to school, Ava was reenacting one of her favorite scenes from Peep & the Big Wide World. She told me she was going to show her friends how to do the scene when she got to school. I acknowledged her in a sort of offhand way. She was serious. The second we walked into her classroom she called for the attention of her friends and then did her little bit. When that went unacknowledged, she started over. Apparently this lasted a while since Ms. Jewel said her feelings were a little hurt that her friends were running instead of listening to her on the playground.

8. My good friend and fellow Bond girl, Carrie, has been ill for nearly a month with something that the doctors can’t quite diagnose. We’re very worried about her but are really hopeful they’ll find a remedy soon. Wish we could be in Florida to help and visit. Send her good thoughts, please.

9. I’m working some extra hours this week to be able to take all next week off, so Matt’s been pitching in extra around here. Sometimes that means he’s got to multitask. Star Trek movies on Netflix, a baby in the laundry basket and folding diapers is how he rolls.


10. With all the other activity around here, we’re getting geared up for a birthday party, Thanksgiving and an anniversary next week. It’s going to be super-duper busy, but I’m so looking forward to all the family, food, and fun coming our way next week. Can’t wait!

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