Ten on Tuesday – The San Antonio Edition

Posted May 10th, 2011 by Sally and filed in Adventures, Family, Lists, Vacation

In what can only be described as a fit of awesomeness, when we arrived home from our roadtrip to San Antonio on May 1, I downloaded all the photos and videos and selected winners for this blog post.  Monday morning, I had them uploaded.  Now, more than a week later (in what can only be described as a fit of not-awesomeness), I’m finally getting around to posting them.  Since I’m long on photos and short on words and time, here’s a list of ten great things about our trip!  (Brace yourself, this may be the longest blog post EVER.)

1.  Roadtrip!  We chose to drive to San Antonio this time, so got to take Noah on his first-ever roadtrip.  Considering how hard we pushed the mileage per day, both kiddos did great.  Ava watched a TON of movies (Incredibles, Peter Pan & Little Mermaid were big winners) and Noah was either eating, sleeping or fussing the whole way.  We crashed in El Paso for the night on the way there and got to go for a quick swim before going to Chili’s to eat dinner.  We were all exhausted at the end of the first day, but still got up crazy early on Day 2 to hit the road.  You know that any driving before the sun comes up doesn’t count, right? ;-)


2.  We got to San Antonio early on Good Friday afternoon and settled right into playing with heirloom toys and a few we brought along.  By the end of the day, we’d already played in the kiddie pool and had an amazing dinner.  When we woke up on Saturday, Auntie Moe had joined us and we could hardly believe we’d only been there for about 12 hours!



3.  The weekend was packed with church and cooking and Easter celebrations.  We dyed Easter eggs on Saturday afternoon while dinner was cooking…and just in time for the adults to clean up and rush out the door to Easter vigil.  To say we were packing in the memory-making would be an understatement!  Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of the grown ups dressed up to go to church.  Since I had a great dress, I consider this to be quite sad.



IMG_5257(Matt’s great idea for keeping Noah occupied.  Trap the sippy between the table and tray.  Dude has some serious perseverance.)

4.  Easter morning was fun.  We were up turbo early with the kiddos (have I mentioned yet that Noah was sick and running a low grade fever up to this point?) and watched some TV while we waited for grandparents to come play Easter baskets/eggs with us.  Turns out Grampa was sick, so we didn’t see him at all that day.  We did get around to hunting Easter baskets though, and Ava was pretty excited with what she found in hers (a ladybug watch!).



5.  Easter afternoon was a party at the White’s house.  It was supposed to be at Caspers’ but had to move since we were passing around the sickies.  We even made sure to get photos of the kids in their Easter best!  Just for fun, here’s last year.  And the one before that.




The kids had a great time at the party and were officially wiped out by the end of it!



6.  Our kiddos are so lucky to have two sets of their great-grandparents around.  And we’re so lucky to get to take them to visit.  We got to see Mahgie & Poppie at the Easter party and again at their house while we were in Texas.  Such a treat to get to see your babies loved on by their great-grandparents.  Noah met them for the first time at the Easter party.



And then more visiting at Air Force Village.





7.  We did two “special activities” with the whole family while we were visiting.  On Thursday, we went to the San Antonio Zoo.  Special highlights were the elephant demonstration, the reptile house, making a toy with the mold-a-rama, and popsicle treats.





That same night, we got to go see a Missions baseball game.  It was Noah’s first ever!


8.  Speaking of firsts, we had two this trip.  Noah spiked a fever on Monday so we got our first “see the doc while traveling” experience.  Ear infection…boo.  Not the most fun of firsts.  But, by Tuesday afternoon, it was like we had a whole different baby.  So much less fussy and so much more fun!



But, Matt and I had a fun first in that we got to go spend a night downtown on the Riverwalk.  It was our first time leaving the kiddos overnight.  We had a great time watching crappy cable TV (with no one asking us for anything!), going out to dinner, and sleeping for eight blissful hours in a row.  We only got one picture of such a momentous occasion…in the mirror of the elevator of our hotel.


9.  In our down time this visit, we just did a lot of eating, drinking and hanging out.  Ava played in the back yard a TON, which was great because she doesn’t get to do that much here.  Mostly, she played Ladybug Girl with her trusty sidekick, “Bingo.”


We got to share a meal with Ken, too, which was a total treat.  Ken married Matt and I, and we love to see him; but, he usually travels in the summer and we’ve missed him the last few years.  So many years, in fact, that he hadn’t met our kids yet!  There’s something special about a meeting like this, I think.



10.  Our return trip was pretty smooth sailing and we learned lessons from the first leg.  We left more pool time at the hotel and landed in a smaller town to spend the night.  So much less stressful!  We got home on Sunday at 12:15pm and were completely unpacked with kids down for naps by 2pm.  Matt and Ava even ran the train we hauled home for a while that night!

Thanks, Caspers, for a great trip!  We’re already resting up for another one!

2 4 6 8!

Posted May 1st, 2011 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos, Lists

Dear Noah,

It’s so (so, so, so) hard to believe it, but you celebrated your eight month birthday last week (April 27).  Cannot believe time has flown by so quickly.  You’ve changed so much already that your teeny, tiny baby days are already fuzzy in memory and you’re on the verge of so many new, big baby things that it feels like you’re sitting at a fork in the road of your life – just glancing back to give us a little wave before you run on ahead.


I’ll admit that I’m terribly torn about your growing up.  I love to see my kiddos learn new things and forge ahead.  It’s exciting and fun to see all of your a-ha moments.  But, you, Noah, are the baby – probably the last baby in our family – and so that means that every first for you is also a last first.  We cheered big cheers when you started rolling around, but had to be extra sure to soak it up.  Now, you’re pulling up your top half to get into baskets, opening drawers, and rolling anywhere you want to go.  We can see crawling right around the corner and we’re so excited to see you go!


I know that we’re busy during these precious baby days of yours, buddy, but I want you to know that we’re noticing all the special things you do and are.  We know that you love sweet potatoes, carrots, spaghetti squash, avocado, and oatmeal, but we’ll have to work to get you to eat any fruit and sometimes asparagus.  We know that you prefer to play with the Noah in your Fisher-Price set over any of the other animals in there.  We see you starting to dance and bob…most often to the music only you can hear.


We hear you trying to use words, even.  I think it means that your big sister is an extra kind of special to you that you call “Aya” anytime you see her across the room.


You’ve given us a run for our money in the sickness department, though, dude.  Thank goodness we’re second time parents for you or I think I’d be done in by all the respiratory infections you’ve battled this winter.  And, you get the honor of a parenting first for us, a trip to the doctor while on vacation!  Thanks for helping us learn more about Tricare.  Even though you’re teething on everything you can get your hands on and we keep trying to blame your congestion on the forthcoming chompers, you don’t have any teeth yet and our latest round at the doctor was for an ear infection (your fourth).  We’re keeping our fingers crossed for a super-healthy summer for you.

Noah, you’re growing!  Now that we bottle feed you, we’re getting a better idea of how much you eat.  Since you’ve recovered from your last ear infection, you’ve started guzzling your milk.  The last two days you’ve put away 36 oz. each day.  I think you’re making up for lost time after a slower start this winter.  No matter what, when your tummy is full, you’re one of the happiest babies ever.


I’m so excited to get to see you learn and grow, buddy.  I just know it’s going to be amazing.  Just don’t be in too big a hurry, ok?





Posted March 17th, 2011 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos, Lists

It hardly seems possible, but the first half (plus a little bit) of Noah’s first year is over.  He turned six months on February 27.  I can’t believe he’s so old already.  I’m pretty sure we blinked and open our eyes six months later.  Before we blink again and find ourselves at his first birthday, I’m hitting the pause button and capturing him just as he is…now.

:: Noah can finally roll in both directions.  He rolls readily from front to back.  But, we almost never see him roll from back to front.  There isn’t much in this world worth that kind of effort to him.

:: This newfound rolling skill did not, as I had predicted, improve his sleep at school.  Maybe there’s just too much to learn there, but he will not sleep for longer than 40 minutes at a time at school.

:: Thankfully, the fact that he doesn’t nap at school does not affect his napping at home.  He takes a one hour nap in the morning and then a two hour nap in the afternoon.  Bedtime is anytime between 6pm and 7pm…whenever he gets tired.  It’s closer to 6pm on school days and could probably be after 7pm on days he takes naps.

:: Dude isn’t sleeping all through the night yet, but he’s only getting up a couple of times now.  We still do a 1-2am feeding and one around 4-5am.  By 6 or 6:30, he’s UP for the day.  And, boy, does this kid wake up happy.  When you pick him up out of the crib, he gives the tightest, best hugs.  He actually puts his arms around your neck and squeezes.  Makes the early wake ups worth it.

:: Doozers is a champion eater.  So far he’s had oatmeal, spaghetti squash, avocado, sweet potato and mango.  For the record, he HATES mango.  Made himself gag to spit it up.  Offer that kid avocado and sweet potato, though, and there isn’t enough in the world to satisfy him.  Boy loves his veggies.



:: Of course, all those solids also solidify, ahem, other things.  His teenaged self will not be happy I have this photo.


:: Besides food, Noah has two great loves in his life.  Libby & Ava.  If either one of them cross his field of view, he’s glued to their every move.  Luckily, he’s just as adored by those two.  I think Libby would lick his hands right off if I let her and Ava is the gentlest, kindest big sister a baby boy could ask for.  When Noah was on the way, I just knew this would be how it would turn out.  So grateful that I was right.



(A little sneak preview of the results from the photoshoot we did on Noah’s six month birthday)

:: I’ve said it before and I’m likely to say it again.  Doozers really is the happiest baby on the block.  He’s got a huge smile for everybody and is just so content.  He’s happiest when surrounded by a bunch of people and loves to just watch and take it all in.  Who could resist this smile?  I hope he always smiles with his whole face like this…it lights up a room (and my heart).



:: The other big skill Noah has mastered recently is sitting.  He’s pretty stable now, but if he gets over excited or tired, he’ll just tip right over.  I’m pretty sure the tipping is willful now, though, rather than a lack of balance.

IMG_4374Look, Mom!  No hands!

:: Baby boy has two favorite toys.  This one and this one.  After he eats dinner, and while we all finish ours, these two keep him completely involved in his booster seat.



I could go on and on about this baby boy.  He’s fun and getting more so every day.  His smile warms my heart, makes bad days melt away.  So glad he’s the baby we got to bring home.  We love to watch you grow, little dude.  Can’t wait to see what you do next!

Five Months

Posted February 9th, 2011 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos, Lists

It’s a couple of weeks late, but here’s a snapshot of Noah at 5 months.


:: Noah is such a happy baby.  With the exception of his very sick days, he’s nearly always just content to be around, hanging out.  Every time he meets someone new, he offers a big smile and I can’t tell you how many times people have remarked on how sweet & chill he is.

:: Doozers LOVES his toes.  We should just put away all the other toys and teethers because all this guy really needs in life are his tootsies.   Thank goodness he was blessed with 10 perfect ones to chew on.

:: Speaking of teethers, does this guy need to chew!  With all the slobber and constant finger, his or anyone else’s, chewing, you’d think we’d have seen some chompers by now.  But, still no teeth to show for all the mess.  This nursing mama is a teensy bit grateful for that.

:: Right at the beginning of January, we took down the swing and brought out the exersaucer.  It took him about an hour of practice to be standing up like a pro and twirling all the way around to chew on all the different toys.



:: On the day after he turned five months, Noah went on his first airplane ride.  Like a seasoned flier, he slept through every single leg of our trip to Chicago and back.  Bless babies that don’t mind flying…makes this military life with far-flung families so much easier.


It didn’t hurt that he got to bring his favorite toys along.  And, also?

Wouldn’t you kill to be able to bend like that when crammed into an airplane seat?


:: With all the fun stuff five months has brought, it’s also been pretty challenging.  Since the beginning of January, Noah has had croup twice, RSV, two ear infections (one a double), and just hasn’t been able to fully shake any of it.  We’ve been to the doc more often between the four- and six-month checkups than I care to remember.  All the sickies have made sleep issues huge and the poor guy is worn out.

:: When a baby is croupy, it’s easy to worry that they’re not breathing when they’re sleeping on their own.  So, Doozers has gotten spoiled on sleeping best in someone’s arms.  Or, in this case, up against Daddy’s chest while waiting for Ava’s dance class to be done.


:: Noah continues to be a fairly big kid.  Even with all the illness he’s still gaining weight (we’ve gotten to check a lot with all the doc visits!) and loves his solids.  So far, he’s had oatmeal, sweet potato, avocado and, just last night, bananas.  IMG_3585

:: We’re still waiting on the big day when Noah will roll over (I’m convinced it’s the key to sound sleeping at home and at school), but are excited that he’s getting close to sitting on his own.  He’s also a pretty coordinated guy with the fine motor stuff.  He’s just this close to being able to replace a spit-out binky and, ho-boy, that’s gonna be a game-changer with sleep.  (Seeing a trend here?  This mama’s tired.)


Mostly, we’re just pleased as punch with Noah’s sweet and loving personality.  He gives AWESOME hugs and will just love on you as long as you’ll let him.  He’s definitely a cuddler.  We’re hoping he gets all better really soon because we hate that he feels icky.  Until that day, though, we’re just gonna soak up the snuggles and try to love him back to health.


Love you, little dude.

Noah @ Four Months

Posted December 31st, 2010 by Sally and filed in Doozy, Kiddos, Lists

Noah had a birthday a couple of days after Christmas.  Since things change so quickly for babies, I figured it was time for another little update.

So, at four months, Noah:

:: Is so very happy.  This little guy only fusses when he’s really hungry or desperately needs some sleep.  Otherwise, he’s just content to be out in the world watching things go by.


::  Babbles, coos, and talks.  He’s got a ready smile and loves to talk to you, especially at his first diaper change of the day.  A long night of alone time means he has lots to share when he wakes up!

:: Has relearned to sleep on his back.  Although he’d been a tummy sleeper for the first few months, it was causing problems with his sleep at school, so we’ve helped him learn to sleep on his back and he does great now.

:: Has to have his Binky and his lovey shoved up against his face to get to sleep.  This has caused some trouble since he wakes up crying at night if the Binky falls out.

:: Has learned to blow raspberries!  He loves it when he can get a “conversation” going with you in raspberry language.

:: Is this close to rolling over.  But, he’s so comfortable on his tummy, he has little incentive to get it done.  It’s coming soon though, I just know it.


::  Loves Libby.  He’ll watch her walk around for several minutes and loves to grab her ears.  Thank goodness Libby is such a complacent puppy when it comes to the kiddos.


::  Has had his first solid food!  We started on oatmeal cereal a couple of days ago and, he’s slowly getting used to it.  Here’s hoping a few extra calories will help with the sleeping!




:: Weighed in at 14 lbs, 7 oz and measured 25.25 in. at his checkup.  That’s up two pounds and two inches from his last visit!

::  Fits in just great around here.  Noah loves his big sister and the feeling is definitely mutual.  These two are going to be two peas in a pod before too long.


It’s hard to believe that the first third of Doozers’s first year has gone by already.  Love our happy little dude!!