Because we’ve been so blessed…

Posted February 25th, 2009 by Sally and filed in Uncategorized

I don’t do email forwards.  I try not to get caught up in the story of the day.  But, today, I read the blog of a friend who had shared the link to another family’s blog.  (This is what happens…you link and link and link and then you’re somewhere.  You don’t even realize how you got there.)  Anyway, turns out the story was about a Kansas family who had just lost their 11 month old daughter to cancer.  So, so sad.  I’m tying myself to my chair to keep from climbing in Ava’s crib with her for naptime.

You’ll find the family’s story here.  Then, go here to see all the wonderful items available on Etsy to support their efforts to build a playground in their daughter’s memory.
I’ll be thinking of this family a lot in the coming days and weeks.  I also know I’ll be holding Ava closer to my heart – she is a gift.

One Response to “Because we’ve been so blessed…”

  1. Jenny says:

    Hi Sally,
    Just saw that you read the story of sweet little Cora. Their family pops into my mind at least once a day now.
    Hope things are well in Vegas.
    Ava is so so pretty.

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